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                       Around the World FREE!

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      HSQuote Plus! Big discount for additional licenses.



       HSQuote V1 version 1.90: (HSQuote and HSQuote Plus in same package)

HSQuote Downloader from 1free-historical-stock-quote-downloader


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Download Yahoo Finance Data:

Step-By-Step Guide to Downloading Yahoo Data Using HSQuote


Download from User-Defined Web Pages:

If you own HSQuote Plus version, you can use the MyWebServer feature, together with a format (.fmt) file, to download your specific data. Below are some examples. You may write the format files yourself, but you should find it more convenient to buy pre-written format files from the author at $10 per file. If you like to have the author to write a new format file for your specific web page, it will cost $35.

IEX Cloud: more than 1 month of backfilled intraday data for US stocks and ETFs

IEX Cloud: up to 5 years of historical EOD data for US stocks and ETFs, much faster than Yahoo

Quandl: up to 50 years of continuous futures data for analysis

ADVFN: historical daily world-wide stocks, commodities, forex and cryptos data from ADVFN

Alpha Vantage: historical daily Forex data

Alpha Vantage: Intraday Forex data

Alpha Vantage: use same ticker list to download up to 20 years of historical daily data from Yahoo and Alpha Vantage

Alpha Vantage: historical intraday data

BigCharts historical daily data

BigCharts: use same ticker list to download from Yahoo and BigCharts

Coinmarketcap: historical daily cryptocurrency data

Finam: historical intraday forex data

NSEIndia: historical daily data historical daily data

Godmode-trader: historical daily and last-trade data

InversorGobal: historical daily data

BullMarketBrokers: historical daily data

Navarroviola: historical daily data

Rava: historical daily data

Ravaonline: historical daily data

TASE: historical daily data

SETTRADE and SET: last-trade and historical data

Sharenet: historical daily data

Acommodity: historical futures continuous daily data

Acommodity: historical intraday futures data

INO: historical futures daily data

INO: last-trade and historical futures data by Commodity

INO: historical futures daily data for all contracts

INO: last-trade futures data

INO: last-trade and historical Forex and World index data

HKEX: Hang Seng Index futures

London Stock Exchange: FTSE index and industry sector symbols

Way2Wealth: Share holding patterns for Indian companies

Way2Wealth: Fundamental reports for Indian companies

Optionistics: Option data and option greeks



IF you want 50+ free ticker lists of various international stock exchanges, just send a blank email to:


Some useful websites to find and assemble stock symbols are:

Recommended Compiled List of All Yahoo Finance Stock Tickers:

FTSE Indices and Industry Sectors:

Yahoo Finance Screeners:








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